The 5 Most Popular Cool Knives to Keep in Your Collection


Are you a knife enthusiast? Or simply an outdoorsman who usually finds the need for different types of knives to perform different types of tasks? Yes, different knives are designed to serve different purposes. The most common knives that are usually used by everyone are pocket knives and kitchen knives. These two knives are used by almost everyone as they help you perform your routine tasks. Let us have a look at the five most popular cool knives that are available in stores at very affordable rates.

1- Pocket Knives

Pocket knives are also known as folding knives and they are used for self-defense and for utility purpose as well. These knives come as two types generally, one is the spring assisted knives and the second one is the automatic knives. The spring assisted knives have spring mechanisms in them which assist them to open themselves as the blades of such knives fold themselves inside their handles and open when the tension in the spring is overcome by applying pressure on the thumb stud or flipper on the blade with the help of the thumb of the hand.

The second type is the automatic switchblades which open and closes with the help of a button and this is why they are not as automatic as no pressure needs to be applied to open them. This is why spring assisted pocket knives are legal to use whereas automatic ones are illegal to use in most of the states of the US. Spring assisted pocket knives are safe as they require pressure to open them and because of this very reason automatic blades are illegal as they operate via a button. Pocket knives are very common and they are compact, small and this is why they are easy to carry around as well.

2- Bowie Knife

Have you ever heard about a Bowie knife? This knife comes with a legendary history and was named after the notorious fighter named Jim Bowie. Jim Bowie used to carry this knife around everywhere and this is how it got popular when he used this knife in the famous Sandbar fight which took place on a Sandbar of Mississippi river. The Bowie knife is known for its long blade which has a curve in it. The blade is usually 12 inches long and this knife features a cross guard as well. This knife is used for lots of purposes i.e. cutting and chopping wood, cutting rope, building shelter and performing other outdoor tasks. Also, you can use a Bowie knife for fighting as well.

3- Survival Knife

A survival knife also has its main uses in an outdoor space. Most of the times, in an outdoor emergency situation, it marks the difference between life and death. A survival knife is one of the fixed blade cool knives and is durable, strong and sturdy. Mostly, it comes with a full tang blade which further increases its strength. Survival knife usually comes with some other essentials i.e. a firestarter, a paracord, etc.

4- Brass Knuckle Knife

A brass knuckle knife is a very good example of cool knives as they bring something new to the box. Well not new considering the fact that it was used quite extensively during World War 1, but we can say that its design is quite unique. A brass knuckle knife has a sharp-edged blade and it has knuckle designed handles. This knife is a two in one and provides the advantages of both knuckle dusters and of cool knives as well. You can use the knife to stab someone and you can also use the knuckle designed handle to grip the knife properly and punch someone.

5- Combat Knife

A combat knife is designed specifically for combat. These cool knives are designed in a way which makes them quite effective for fighting. They have razor-sharp blades and sharp edges. These knives mostly have full tangs and are durable and strong. These knives are mostly covered in sheaths for safety reasons. Also, these sheaths allow you to carry them around easily as well.

The above-mentioned cool knives are the most common ones and they are easily available in stores all over the world. Also, cool knives come in many other types and kinds other than the ones which are mentioned above.

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