3 Way OF Using Blank Guns

prop guns

Nobody gives a second thought to the movie prop gun as Al Pacino starts shooting the living daylight out of his opponents in his movies. In this article, we shall shed some light on these good/bad boy blank guns and how these replica guns are used outside of a movie set 

As Movie Prop Guns

You must have seen George Clooney shoot the hell out of everyone in Ocean’s Eleven or Jason Bourne trying to run for his life and shoot the bad cops simultaneously. Well, movie prop guns are the actual heroes in these scenes.

Movie prop guns are the kind of replica guns that are designed to mimic the action of real firearms without firing a single bullet. The type of movie prop gun used on a movie set depends upon the requirement of the shooting scene and the budgets involved.

Some movie scenes do not require any shooting action from movie prop guns. These prop guns just look like a copy of a real gun but have no internal working parts to fire anything or produce a sound. 

You can think of these movie prop guns as plastic toy guns you used to own as a child but with more realism and better quality. These types of movie prop guns were common in the 50s and 60s where the sound of the fired bullet was added in post production. These prop guns are still common for low budget movies and theatrical reactmemts that don’t require or can’t afford more advanced blank guns.

However, modern weapon technology and the demands of high budgeted movie series have forced these movie prop guns to be replaced by more expensive and realistic blank guns. The blank guns feel much more real for the actor trying to enact a shooting. These blank guns come with requisite elements to make the experience of shooting a gun as authentic as possible for the shooter as well as the viewer.

As Signalling Guns

The movie prop guns aren’t useless outside a movie set. Most of these blank guns are commonly used as signalling weapons. You must have seen a starter pistol in your school that signals the start of a race. Well, that is a blank gun.

These types of blank guns can be front firing (the blank shells come out of the end of the barrel) or not (blanks come out of the top of the barrel). Regardless, these blank guns shoot out the blanks with gunpowder that makes the sound of a bullet blasting through the barrel and out.

The bang of the blank guns is accompanied by a flash from the muzzle as well as smoke, to make. The flash and smoke also work as signalling components and usher in the start of a race. Thes blank guns are especially useful when athletes can’t see the shooter but know they can start racing as soon as they hear the blasting sound made by the blank guns. 

These blank guns are also the most fancy looking blank guns around. Most have gold tippings. Some also have rainbow smoke coming out of them. These blank guns have red tip markers on them to signal that they are safe to carry around and not real real guns.

As Practice Guns

Whether you want to enact a shooting or you are a shooter who wants to safely practice his shooting, these blank guns are for you.

These types of blank guns are the most realistic and advanced blank guns around. These replica guns are most commonly used by Police officers, military and law enforcement communities around the world.

A cop needs to nail his shooting game. But he can’t be firing real ammunition during hours and hours of shooting practices. A blank gun is a cheaper and secure alternative for a real gun that with the passage of time has become more and more realistic.

Nowadays, these blank guns don’t just fire blanks with some muzzle flash and a blast, but also have internal working parts that give these blank guns some complementary  ‘live ammunition’ features like blowback effect and semi and automatic firing modes.

If you are practicing for an advanced military combat scenario where you need to shoot 15 to 20 times in a few seconds, these blank guns offer you that practice by coming in fully automatic mode. An example is an ASI-UZI replica gun which also has the features of an actual UZI with the style of a blank gun.

These blank guns are also useful for everyday training with their semi automatic modes. These replica guns are so realistic, you can shove the magazine inside, and cock the gun each time you want to take a shot. The blank guns can come with a blowback effect that mimics an actual shooting.

The more realistic features a blank gun offer, the more risk there is of it malfunctioning or having less shooting efficiency. There is a precarious balance between performance and realism. You can decide which way to go by knowing what you are buying a blank gun for.

If you are purchasing blank guns as movie prop guns, we recommend going for realistic replica guns with all the smoke, flash and blowback effect. This will look good on screen and make the job of the actor easier. The shootout sequence in any action movie is what sells is, and these blank guns do the heavy lifting to make it look real. 

However, if you want blank guns for routine practice that can get hardcore, go for blank guns with durability and high performance rather than aesthetics. If you need to practice target shooting, you can do away with the blowback effect for sure.

This concludes our insight into the world of blank guns. Whether you are a movie buff and interested in the history of movie prop guns, or a gun enthusiast wanting to buy his next blank gun for shooting practice, we have you covered with our incredible range of blank guns.

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Do Airsoft Shotguns Shoot Multiple Projectiles?

G53 Metal Slide Full Size Airsoft Spring Pistol

An airsoft shotgun is ideal for close fights. You can experience the feel of a real gun with these Airsoft guns. It is also known as a scattergun. As you can also shoot multiple projectiles at the same time with the help of these guns. The multiple bullets are encased in a single projectile that gets scattered on fire. 

Here in this article, we are going to share some useful information about the working of a shotgun. This way, you will get to know how to use it properly.


Operating Mechanism:

Airsoft guns come in different types and varieties. Each gun is different from others in terms of form and mechanism. These guys have a different operating mechanism such as breech-loading, pump-action, single-barreled, semi, or fully automatic as well. 

Most of the guns are spring-operated in which you have to pull back the spring to shoot in a manner that looks like copying the action on a real shotgun. The gas-powered airsoft guns use green gas or CO2 to fire projectiles. 


Manufacturing Material:

The airsoft shotgun can be made up of polymer or metal. They are very easy to operate. These guns come in all types, sizes, and weights. You can choose easily according to your need. The source of power will depend upon the operation you are going to perform.

Usually, accuracy is required while using snipers, so a spring power source is ideal. On the other hand, the electric power source is good for a defender


Various Uses:

Airsoft guns are quite popular nowadays. They have various uses in different places. They can be used as prop guns for wargames, theater, and movies.

They are also used for training purposes in place of real guns. Though, you must buy the best airsoft gun to enjoy the experience. 


How Do They Work?

Airsoft shotgun is a powered gun that can shoot 6mm projectiles or even more. These guns use compressions to shoot projectiles instead of using gunpowder to shoot bullets. There are 3 types of guns which are: 

  1.     Electric guns
  2.     Spring guns
  3.     Gas-powered guns

Electric Airsoft Guns:

They are automatic guns used by the majority of people. Being automatic makes them perfect for a single target. It works by producing force and acceleration on the projectiles and they shoot out of the gun.

Electric guns are difficult as compared to others, and therefore, they need regular maintenance. These guns are good for snipers.


Spring Guns:

The spring guns are not automatic but manual. They use tension springs to operate. Thus, you have control over the gun. It works by producing velocity which shoots the projectiles out of the gun.

These guns are not very expensive and are easily available at local retailers. They are best for using in faraway places where there is no electricity.


Gas-Powered Guns:

As per their names, these guns use propane gas to release projectiles. Using gas to shoot bullets is a new and unique concept. In this gun, the gas is loaded, and then released at very high pressure.

This will push the projectiles out at high speed. They need great care and maintenance. They are not suitable for cold environments. 



Well, it can be concluded that you can have an amazing experience by using an airsoft shotgun. If you are looking for a prop gun, you must go for it. 

However, it is recommended that you should visit a reputed retail store online to buy a good-quality gun at a cheap price.

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The Significance Of Movie Prop Guns In Films


Movie prop guns are usually non-functional airsoft guns or rubber replicas. These guns are made up of metal or any other material. Prop guns possess blank cartridges, therefore, these weapons can fire similar to the live firearm.

These weapons are best for use in movie props, gun training, signal training, and reenactment purposes. Some people also like to buy them for collection purposes.

The prop gun is specially designed to act like a real one. There are two types of prop guns. One is front-firing and the other is the top firing gun.

The front-firing gun produces a realistic sound along with a spark coming out of the drum. While the top firing produces a loud sound along with the park coming from the top side. 


What Is A Movie Prop Gun?

The movie prop guns are used on screen or stage to enhance any performance. These weapons help in making any scene experience more authentic or help actors play their roles more efficiently.

This way, these guns are indeed a vital part of film, TV, and theater. They are important for many reasons.



Props are most commonly used in portraying the time and place the story-line is set. Props are usually the only indicator of what decade, or cultural movement a story is set in.

For example, if a story line is set in Ancient Rome, certain props will be used to show that era. The prop maker will have to carefully research that period to convey this to an audience.

This way, it helps the story come alive, and helps viewers activate their imagination more enthusiastically. Imagine a sci-fi film without a prop. It would be so boring and incomplete. 



Helping the audience understand the story line, a prop can also help actors get a feel for their role. An actor will find getting into their Native American role; if they have their costumes are similar and holding weapons and tools used in that particular era.

Films depend on shooting in front of a green screen. This can make it extremely hard for actors to get into their role because of the absence of ambiance. Thus, a prop can help them in this situation.



Characters often become instantly recognizable through their props. Any particular gun or weapon associated with a certain character becomes popular. 



It is often unnoticed, but props can help ensure the safety of actors. A fake knife or gun can look just as threatening as the real thing when done well and don’t put actors in any immediate danger.



Movie prop guns are ideal for use in place of real guns. But these should be used under proper care and administration. These guns are ideal for use in movies and theatrical performances.

So, if you are willing to buy one, look for a trusted retail dealer online. They will provide you with the best-quality prop guns at pocket-friendly prices. Explore their collection and grab your desired one today!

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5 Benefits of Airsoft Guns You Don’t Know About


Airsoft guns are replica guns that offer many benefits. Today, we are counting the benefits of using these replica guns. They offer physical and mental health benefits to the users. I can count countless benefits but I am more focused on health and wellbeing benefits today. 

Remember airsoft guns are not real guns. They use plastic BBs rather than real bullets. This makes them very safe guns to use for sports purposes. Anyways, let’s get to the main point. Following are the five benefits of airsoft guns you don’t know:


1. Improve Your Stamina

With airsoft guns you can improve your stamina. When you are equipped with these guns, you can play some outdoor games.

When you play outdoors games and field games, there are many chances that you improve your stamina. Improving your stamina is very important for your overall well being. 


2. Psychological & Physical Health Benefits

Airsoft games let you play field games. Most airsoft games involve physical activity and tactical games. This is important to improve your mental and physical health. 

You don’t just improve your physical strength, you also improve your mental toughness and strength. So, playing airsoft brings all types of health benefits.


3. Stay Away from Smartphones

We all want to stay away from smartphones. However, when we are free, we have to remain stuck to it because there is no other way to pass your time. 

You can use social media and play games. To prevent your time on social media, play airsoft games. These are thrilling and enjoyable games that keep you away from smartphones.


4. Enjoy Airsoft Games

Apart from gaining health benefits, you can also enjoy playing airsoft games. These are tactical games that involve a lot of thrill and excitement. So, you can enjoy every split of a second on the field when playing these games. 


5. Enjoy Target Practice

Other than playing and enjoying airsoft games, you can enjoy target practice with your airsoft guns. You can build a wooden target and start shooting.

Engage your mates in the activity as well. You can quickly become an accurate shooter and also winning the competition will give some enjoyable moments to you!

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3 Airsoft Games Playable with Airsoft Pistols


Airsoft pistols are replica pistols that are mainly used for playing airsoft games These are safe to use pistols that cause no harm or threat of injury. They use plastic BBs rather than original bullets. 

These plastic BBs can cause threat to eyes and face. However, they don’t cause any harm to the bodies of those playing with these guns. The airsofters must wear eye protection and face protection to avoid injuries. 

Anyways, if you have airsoft pistols, you can use them to play different airsoft games. Following are three most exciting games you can play with these guns:


1. Close Quarter Combat

Close quarter combat is a popular game you can play with airsoft pistols. It is a game that includes two teams who shoot at each other with an attempt to eliminate each other. 

Both teams are equipped with pistols and try to shoot each other in a close quarter. The person that is hit by the BBs is eliminated. The team that is eliminated first loses the game. The team that has people left in their side wins the game. 


2. VIP 

VIP is another game you can play with your pistols. In this game, there are two teams. One team defends the VIP and the other team tries to kill him. If he is killed, the assailants win. On the other hand, if the VIP safely reaches the safe spot, the defenders win the game. 


3. Capture the Flag

Capture the flag is an airsoft game you can play with your airsoft pistols. In this game, there are two teams, each having its flag on the respective fort. 

The opponent team has to bring that flag to their fort in order to win the game. The team that manages to bring the flag of the opponent team to their fort first will win the game.

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3 Reasons I Use Airsoft Guns

1D3-LT-02B-2 (2)

Airsoft guns are the best thing I have in my collection. These are replica guns that seem pretty original. Yes, they look exactly like real firearms. 

Also, they shoot like real guns. I like these guns because these are quite safe. They can shoot plastic bullets, I mean BB’s. These BB’s are pretty safe. 

They don’t cause any injuries. I don’t have to wear protection, but still I wear eye protection because they can be dangerous for eyes. 

Anyways, I love these guns for three reasons. There are three fundamental uses I make of them. So, here are the uses of airsoft guns:


1. Target Practice

Basically, I love playing target practice. This is by far my favorite outdoor activity. I can involve my friends and start a competition. 

We have a wooden target, and when we play, we hit the target with our guns. Since I am an experienced shooter now, I often win the competition. 


2. Shooting Practice

Airsoft guns offer a very realistic shooting experience. I love to enjoy shooting, and thanks to these guns, I can enjoy such shooting in a safe manner. I can practice shooting and enjoy my time on the weekend outdoor. 


3. Airsoft Games

The reason why I use airsoft guns is because I can play a lot of airsoft games. This is the ultimate purpose of using these guns. They allow me to play as many games as I want. 

I have airsoft rifles, pistols and sniper rifles in my arsenal. This enables me to take part in different games. There are a few games that I play very often. 

For instance, I play Sniper, Capture the Flag, President, Zombie, and Rescue the Hostage etc. 

I enjoy all these games because these are based on different scenarios. I can do some shooting on the field. In the end, a win means a lot to me!

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3 Reasons You Must Have an Airsoft Gun in Your Arsenal


Airsoft gun is a replica gun, but it looks very real. It is designed for experiencing realistic shooting in safe mode. It sounds real, but it does not use real bullets. 

It rather uses plastic BBs as bullets. These BBs don’t pose any threat or risk of injury. However, you need to protect your eyes in any case.


Today, people are mostly busy with their smartphones. Furthermore, the schedules are quite busy throughout the week. 

So, it is necessary to get engaged in an outdoor activity and for this purpose, cheap airsoft guns is required in your arsenal. Following are three key reasons why you must have an airsoft rifle in your collection:


1. To Practice Target Hitting

Airsoft gun lets you engage in target practice. It is the best way to test your shooting skills. You should improve your shooting skills and accuracy of hitting the target more often. 

To start, build a wooden target or purchase one from the market. Then, start shooting at the target from a reasonable distance. 

To make this activity more enjoyable, start a competition between your mates. Once you improve your accuracy and skills, increase the distance from the target.


2. To Play Airsoft Games

An airsoft gun in your arsenal would let you play some airsoft games. Airsoft is basically a sport and it includes plenty of games. These games require you to step on the field equipped with a gun. 


You can play any role you want on the field. These games are based on different scenarios. 

Once the game is started, you need to play your role and follow all the regulations. The most popular airsoft games include VIP, Capture the Flag, and Zombie etc.


3. To Enjoy Realistic Shooting in a Safe Manner

Last but not the least, an airsoft gun allows you to enjoy shooting in a realistic manner. These guns are quite close to real guns. The only difference is the bullets. 

In addition, these guns are pretty safe. You can do some shooting while being safe from injuries. So, this is why you deserve to have an airsoft gun in your arsenal.

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How to Find Cheap Airsoft Guns from the Market?


If you struggle to find cheap airsoft guns, don’t worry. You won’t have to struggle anymore. Being an experienced airsofter, my passion is to assist others. 


I love to serve other airsofters and help them find their desired guns. 


I have an experienced of buying these guns from plenty of stores, and now I am aware of how you can easily find the cheapest airsoft rifles and airsoft pistols from the market.

Don’t be upset about the low budget for buying airsoft guns. You can still get some quality replica guns at low prices. 


If you are one of the stragglers, follow a few steps and get some cheap and quality guns from the market. 


Do Some Research

Before you make a buying decision, it is important that you do some research. You should know the market.


For this purpose, thoroughly explore the online market. Visit different online stores and check their prices. And don’t just check the prices, check the quality of the guns as well. 


Enlist Some Stores

Once you have performed some research, try to enlist a few online stores.


I mean, if you have visited twenty or thirty, compare the stores and enlist five of them that you found the best among those stores. 


In the end, you will have to choose one of them for buying your airsoft guns. 


Prefer Wholesale Stores

If you ask me about which stores you should enlist, I would suggest wholesale stores. Retail stores charge heavier prices. 


If you try wholesale stores, you will end up buying more guns at reduced prices. Also, wholesale stores offer a greater variety compared to retail stores. 


Compare Quality & Prices

Now then you have enlisted a few stores, preferably wholesale stores. This is the time you should compare the stores you have chosen. 

Compare the quality of guns on these stores along with the prices. After a thorough comparison, figure out which store offers the best quality guns at lower prices. 


Don’t just consider prices, consider quality as well. 


Purchase your Airsoft Gun!

Once you have selected a wholesale store, buy your desired airsoft gun. However, before making a decision, consider which type of gun you would need. 


If you want to play some games, buy an airsoft sniper rifle that offers greater shooting range and greater speed.


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3 Airsoft Guns I Have Just Kept for Airsoft Gaming!


I know many of you just use airsoft guns for playing airsoft games. So do I. Even though I have a great variety of these replica guns, but I have kept three of them just for playing games. However, this is not the only activity I engaged in.

There are other things I do with these guns. For example, I use to get involved in target practice for which I have a few airsoft pistols. 

However, when it comes to airsoft gaming, my focus in on three airsoft guns, yes, the three most important ones.

I play different airsoft games including President, Sniper, Close Quarters Combat, and Rescue the Hostage etc. For playing these games, these three replica guns assist me. 

As every airsofter out there knows that different airsoft games require you to use different airsoft guns. So, following are my three guns that I use for playing different games. 

1. MK51 Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle

No surprise, this is airsoft rifle I use for playing Sniper. This sniper rifle provides every feature I want in my rifle.

Being a sniper is usually tough. You need a quality rifle that is comprehensively featured. You want accuracy, better range and speed in your rifle if you are to succeed as a sniper. 

415 FPS Airsoft MK51 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle

This MK51 sniper rifle can fire at 415 feet per second which is an enormous speed. It comes with a scope which allows me to increase my shooting range as well as shooting accuracy.

It is a bolt action rifle with a 25 round magazine. This is actually what I need as a sniper. A perfect rifle for a sniper indeed! 

2. G53 Metal Slide Full Size Spring Airsoft Pistol

It is worth mentioning that I often play close quarters combat with my friends. We are often short of time, therefore, we play games that finish quickly.

G53 Metal Slide Full Size Airsoft Spring Pistol

There is no better game than close quarters combat if you want to finish games quickly. We can actually play a best of three in a short period of time. 

I use this G52 spring airsoft pistol just for playing this game. This pistol offers speed and accuracy and these two are key things in this game. So, this pistol ensures my victory everytime. 

3. FN SCAR-L MK16 Spring Airsoft Rifle

In airsoft games like President, Capture the Flag and Rescue the Hostage, I specifically use this FN Scar-L Mk16 rifle. 

MK16 Spring Airsoft Rifle 6MM.jpg

In these games, the requirement is shooting precision, range and speed, and this rifle fulfills all these requirements. 

This is the most fabulous airsoft rifle I have in my collection. It can fire at an immense speed of 350 feet per second.

It offers a range of more than 100 feet. There is a folding stock as well. So, these are the three airsoft guns I specifically use for playing airsoft game!

Airsoft Rifles to Play The Wonderful Airsoft Sport


Airsoft has dramatically grown as a sport in recent times. It seems as if it has outclassed all other sports in America. Not just the youngsters, the elders are also getting involved in this thrilling sport. If you are still unaware of this sport, you are definitely missing to experience a lot of excitement and thrill. It is perhaps easiest to play sport that involves the use of firearms. Hold on, not the real firearms, airsoft guns. Different airsoft rifles, such as airsoft sniper rifles are used for playing this sport because it consists of different games. If you want to get involved in this sport, here’s how you do it.

Get Your Airsoft Rifle

The foremost thing to do is get your airsoft rifle. Airsoft guns are the replica guns that don’t fire real bullets. Rather, they fire plastic BBs that are pretty safe to play with. They are mostly used for airsoft sport and for target practice. Head to the market and get airsoft rifles so that you can get engaged in the sport. Keep in mind the game you want to play with the gun. For instance, if you want to play the Sniper, buy airsoft sniper rifle.

Wear Essential Safety Equipment

Always follow a few instructions whenever you want to play airsoft sport. Don’t ever ignore the safety rules. Wear essential safety equipment before even holding your airsoft gun. For instance, wear the face protection and eye protection in order to avoid any injury. Eyes and face are sensitive areas and even a plastic BB can inflict some damage. So, always wear safety equipment.

Head to the Airsoft Field

As you fulfill your equipment needs, it is time to head to an airsoft field. Field is as essential as your airsoft rifle. Field is the place where you can play different games. You can either make your own field, but select a place that is away from the reach of people. However, there are field made for this purpose. You can join different communities to access these fields.

Play Airsoft Games

After you have worn the necessary safety equipment, you have your airsoft rifle, you need to get on the field and play airsoft games. There is not a single game that you can play. Rather, you have a massive choice if you are interested in playing different games. Different games are based on different scenarios. Similarly, you require different rifles for playing different games.

  • Sniper

Sniper is an airsoft game in which airsoft sniper rifles are required. This is a game consisting of two teams. One is the team of snipers, mainly a couple, equipped with airsoft sniper rifles. They step on the field first and are allowed to hide for a given time. The next team would then find snipers to kill them. If the team of snipers is terminated, they lose. However, if the snipers finish the other team, they win.

  • President

President is another thrilling airsoft game played with airsoft rifles. There are two teams, one is the attackers and the other, the survivors. The team of attackers need to kill the president to win the game. While the other team would need to protect the president and take him to a specified safe spot before he is killed by the attackers.

  • Capture the Flag

There are two teams in this game with equal number of players equipped with airsoft rifles. The teams will have to capture the flag of the other team and take it to their own fort. They can use their rifles to defend themselves and kill the members of the other team. The team that brings the flag of the other team to their fort first, wins the game.

To conclude, I can say that there is no sport more thrilling and exciting than airsoft. Though you first need to buy some stuff, but you can enjoy a perfect outdoor activity at the weekend. Try to play different games to make the sport more enjoyable for you. However, try to play sniper if you have airsoft guns because it tests your physical as well as strategic skills.