4 Things All Parents Need to Know about Airsoft and Airsoft Guns


It is natural for parents to be slightly worried about their kids’ safety and well being when their young children demand to get the latest airsoft guns. Since you are reading this article, I assume that you are one of the parents fretting for their kids’ safety while trying not to break their young hearts. Well, in this article I will help you decide what sort of airsoft guns you should get your kids and why.

If you are not familiar with what airsoft guns are, let me tell you something: airsoft guns have been around us for a long time; in fact, these are older than the paintball guns. As with the majority of the amazing toy products, airsoft guns were manufactured in Japan for the first time. At that time, the Japanese government had put a ban on the ownership of real guns; therefore, people felt the need to manufacture toy replicas of real guns for target shooting and other shooting games.

  1. Non-Lethal Guns

Airsoft guns are non-lethal; yet, it doesn’t mean that safety measures can be ignored. On contrary, safety comes first. Make sure your kids wear safety goggles, hand gloves, and head-protecting gears. It is also recommended that a parent figure participates in the first airsoft battle with the children to ensure that no accidents occur. Instead of real bullets, the ammunition used in airsoft guns are plastic pellets, also known as BBs. These plastic pellets are lightweight (0.12-0.45 gm); also, the diameter of these ranges between 8 to 8 mm.

  1. Safety Measurements

Make sure that your children wear full-sleeves and good running shoes during the airsoft game. Make them wear gloves for hand protection as well. The plastic pellets used in airsoft guns will merely leave red marks through the clothes; however, if they collide with bare skin, these might cause blisters.

This is also one of the reasons that I recommend a parent to be present during the first airsoft games of their children so they can ensure that the proper engagement and firing distance is kept. One of the most crucial dangers while playing with airsoft guns is the chance of getting hit in the eyes. However, with the help of protective eye goggles and facemask; this danger can be minimized.

  1. Teaching Kids Responsibility

With the help of airsoft guns, you will be able to teach your kids about gun responsibility as well. You can make them follow certain gun rules with the help of airsoft guns, such as they must refrain from peeping into the barrel.

Other rules include the avoidance of pointing with the airsoft guns at people and animals when they aren’t involved in airsoft skirmishes. They need to learn to treat the airsoft guns as if these were real guns. Another rule could be refraining from putting the finger on the trigger of their airsoft gun in case they are not ready to shoot.

  1. Types of Airsoft Guns

There are three types of airsoft guns; spring-assisted airsoft guns, gas-powered airsoft guns, and electric airsoft guns. Spring-powered airsoft gun require to be manually cocked for each shot fired; also, these have a lower shooting velocity as compared to their automatic counterparts.

In this regard, it is recommended to get your children spring-assisted airsoft guns for their beginner airsoft game. You can get good-quality airsoft guns for the best price in your town and online stores. Apart from the above-mentioned factors, playing with airsoft guns will allow your children to engage in outdoor activities that have become very limited due to the latest trends of indoor video games.

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