How Deadly Are Pellet Guns?

Airsoft Spring Hand Gun

Pellet Guns – Deadly or not? Are pellet guns dangerous? Can pellet guns kill? You may have heard these frequently asked questions now and then and would have heard a variety of answers. But one thing remains the same and that is the deadliness of these guns. Yes, Pellet guns are dangerous!

What are Pellet Guns?

A pellet gun is a handgun or rifle that shoots pellets via compressed gas or air. An exothermic reaction is involved in pushing out the pellets at a high pressure. Whereas, a pellet is a projectile which can be shot from a pellet gun or an airsoft gun. Pellets are usually made up of steel or tin. These non-spherical objects can cause pain but have a number of uses as well.

  • They are used by law enforcement bodies i.e. police to control crowd or any criminal activity and are used contrary to pepper sprays, tear gas etc.
  • These are also used for pest control or to kill small animals.
  • These are also used for hunting and are proven to be quite effective for this purpose.
  • Another use of pellet guns is plinking i.e. to shoot bottles or cans for fun or at some competition.
  • Their best use is target shooting. You can practice the art of shooting with these pellet guns and become an experienced professional.

How much damage do they inflict?

Pellet guns can inflict pain and injuries. Some injuries maybe less severe and some can prove to be deadly. If shot from a close distance they can prove to be deadly and lethal. Also, if they strike sensitive regions of body i.e. eyes, temple – they can result in the individual’s death. The shot of pellet guns can even enhance an already present injury or wound and can also result in immense bleeding if fired at some major artery, soft tissues or vein.

The velocity or speed of the pellet depends on its weight as well. A lighter pellet will move much faster than a heavier one and will consequently strike the target much harder causing more damage. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage and the disadvantage of lighter pellet is that they are unable to retain their velocity.

Nowadays pellet guns are being manufactured which can kill a person. Pellet guns of .22, .45, .50, .30 or .303 caliber can prove to be deadly and you wouldn’t want to be shot from these, for sure!

Pellet guns look like real guns. Although they are used in variety of ways, still if not used with care they can cause damage to you and others as well. So, it’s better to avoid playing with such guns as prevention is definitely better than cure!

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